Well I hope by now you have succeeding in LOLing today...but while I was stuck in my daily traffic on the way home from work, I thought I would share a few things that may create that all out LOL for you if you haven't yet experienced it today...
1. Napoleon Dynamite: My previous boss had the same appreciation as I did for this hilarious movie, and somehow had some sweet skills and would always send me a link or a quote on a day where everything was going wrong and a good Napoleon quote was just what I needed. So here are a few favorites of mine:
1. (Kip) " Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day"
2. (Napoleon) " shocks, pegs, luuuckkyyyy"
3. (Pedro) " I like your bangs"
2. Try perfecting the infamous Joey Tribiani famous quote.. 'How you dooin?'
3. Put on a classic Madonna's song, and yes, dance around to it.
*I was inspired by this one today on my way to work where I act like I'm 45 years old and listen to talk radio with hits from the 80s, 90s and today and 'Material Girl' came on and I soon found myself dancing in my car and singing- I must say it was a great way to start the day!
4. Try stuffing as many grapes, marshmellows, or whatever you can find that is easy to smoosh into your mouth and say 'chubby bunnies' five times fast. Please be careful while doing this and don't choke because I sure as hell don't make enough money to pay if you if you happen to sue me for this.... thanks :)
and I of course can't forget the word of day (hopefully I will remember to add this sweet feature each day) is......
TICKLISH! I thought it was a nice touch for today's LOL feature.. its kinda fun to say, again a weird word if you think about it, and being ticklish its kinda weird too. To be touched in a certain spot of your body where you all of sudden burst out with giggles which sometimes can lead to an uncontrolable laugh fest where your laughing so hard you can't breath and it almost becomes dangerous- they should have given a FDA warning to my big brother who would torment me and tickle me so bad I would get red in the face and couldn't breath....please don't try that at home kids.
Well, for the sake of the blog world, I hope my first 'rule' or 'tool' in a blonde's guide to life is 'LOL' was a success for at least one person out there!
Happy giggles
Until next time...toodles!
Love reading your blog, makes me smile!