Well, as you can see from my previous post, its been quite sometime since I last made an update. I admit, I was stuck in a bit of rut- being bogged down with crazy hours of work, slacking on my workouts and chowing down on junk food more than I probably should. But, I needed to give myself a kick in the butt and get back into swing of things, and I thought why not start doing what I love- writing! I have a whole list of ideas for entries, so hopefully I can stick with it and be consistent!!!
It seems that right as the New Year approaches- everyone makes those resolutions of things they hope to achieve. Whether it may be getting that bikini body back, giving up fast food or trying to control your road rage while driving, how long do you actually stick to what you set out to achieve? Do you ever accomplish the things you set out to? Or does it last for a month or so, and then you back into your lazy rut. I, like many others I'm sure, say each year- this year I will stick to it- but then find myself saying- I don't feel like it, or I'll do it tomorrow, or I'll start that again on Monday. What helps get you back into sticking to your goals?
I know for myself- seasons have a big impact on my mood- and right about now, when the warm weather begins, its lighter out longer and the snow has melted away- I all of a sudden become a 'runner' and get this whole burst of motivation to start working out again. Motivation is huge key for me, but I am now noticing that attitude plays a big role as well. Keeping a positive attitude, motivating yourself, and heck saying ' I can do this' while flexing your guns in the mirror are the little ways they may help maintain that list of things to achieve.
It doesn't always to be New Years for you to set a goal for yourself, write down of list of things you want to do or trying something new. Try doing one thing a week and see how well you can stick to it! The longer you do it, and the more you do, the more better you will feel about yourself and you will not be anywhere near a RUT! Go get em! :)